Bordeaux MasterClass AcroYoga With Mehdi Zidhane & Elyse Vieni - Yoga Sana Bordeaux

Du au

De 14h00 à 18h00

Yoga Sana Bordeaux

325 Avenue Thiers
33100 Bordeaux

L'AcroYoga Contact Tour revient à Bordeaux pour 2 jours d'ateliers intensifs alliant amour, jeu,fusion et haute précision.

Ne manquez pas cette merveilleuse opportunité de plonger dans la fusion de l'Acrobatie & du Massage Thaï avec des professeurs internationaux expérimenté et recherché Mehdi Zidhane, Elyse Vieni & Emanuel Nallin

Le mouvement a parcouru le monde grâce à son approche unique.
On l'aime dès le premier regard.
C’est un reflet du besoin humain de connexion, de contact et de jeu.

L'atelier est aussi bien adapté aux novices qu’aux pratiquants intermédiaires ou avancés.
Les compétences développées valorisent le travail des professeurs de diverses disciplines, des masseurs, des gymnastes, des danseurs, des circassiens et des physiothérapeutes entre autres…


Qu’attendre des ateliers AcroContact ?

- Apprendre dans un environnement sécurisant, où l’on prend soin de chacun
- Recevoir les conseils d'un professeur fortement expérimenté et passionné
- Élargir et peaufiner sa compréhension de la pratique

- Développer des outils de communication basés sur l’empathie et la clarté
- Oublier ses limites et explorer son potentiel maximum
- Célébrer la joie de jouer

- Puiser dans sa force intérieure
- Régénérer sa détermination
- Apprendre à utiliser les relations tissées comme un miroir pour son développement personnel


Concept AcroContact

Suite à la rencontre de différents disciplines pour la connexion avec soi, d’une douce Acrobatie pour défier les lois de la gravité en communauté, et du Massage Thai pour prendre soin du corps et apaiser l’esprit, Mehdi a poussé l’investigation en touchant de nouvelles disciplines (balle contact, jonglage, cirque, coaching...)

Il a depuis initié le mouvement de l’AcroContact pour explorer les passerelles entre les différentes inerties, science du mouvement, de la Vie, en quête d’Union entre les genres et de bénéfices réciproques lors de la fusion des styles.
Au cours de son parcours il poursuit son apprentissage en s'inspirant de différentes disciplines au mode de vie positif et d'énergies proactives au projet.

Samedi: 14h-18h
Dimanche: 11h-14h 15h-18h

Solar session

- Core Center: Séquence de constructions alliant flexibilité force et fluidité.
- Warm-Up: Résistance et Intégration.
- Jeux de Confiance: Créativité et inspiration.

- L'Art du Spotting: Comment aider son partenaire à découvrir son centre.
- Rencontrer son équilibre dans l'espace: Up & Down.
- Séquences Acrobatique: Standing Pose, Spins, Pops, Hand To Hand & High Hand To Hand.

Lunar session

- Flexible Flow : Séquence d'étirements alliant équilibre relaxation et harmonie.
- Partner Acrobatique: Connexion et écoute.
- Contact Touch: Immersion des sens au niveau du toucher.

- Connexion: activité & réceptivité.
- Transitions & Flow Thérapeutique.
- Thaï Massage.

Everybody is welcome to this event: beginners, intermediary, advanced...

I will have the pleasure to introduce you in the vibration of the Spanda Yoga Celebration

Poetry of mouvement this practice can initiate a free flow liberation for what you feel to expand in the present moment:

( bath of song, love vortex, sacred dance, spontaneous singing... )


Les groupes d'AcroContact sont constitués de 3 personnes qui chacun à leur tour jouent ces 3 rôles:

- La Base qui soutient le Flyer par sa stabilité et son ancrage au sol.
- Le Flyer qui vole dans les airs sur les pieds de la Base.
- Le Spotter qui par sa présence active et sécurisante accompagne en synchronisation les mouvements de la Base et du Flyer.


10 Heures D'Ateliers Acrobatique & Thérapeutique:

Inscription et réservation: [email protected]

24 Places Disponibles

Tarif Early Bird: 160€ jusqu'au 1er Janvier 2018
Après cette date 200€

Le Dimanche midi nous partagerons un brunch improvisé composé d'aliments au naturel riche et fortifiant de la terre, le coeur rempli d'amour.
S'il vous plaît ramenez une bonne dose d'inspiration et votre tapis.

S'il vous plaît ramenez une bonne dose d'inspiration et votre tapis.

FB: Mehdi Zidhane
Instagram: acrocontacttour


About Mehdi Zidhane

Mehdi Zidhane est un artiste, poète, performer, coach en développement personnel et éternel voyageur inspiré au fil des destinations.

Il se laisse d’abord influencer par la danse en autodidacte (salsa, contemporaine, hiphop) pour se tourner ensuite vers un chemin plus intérieur, ouvrant ses horizons avec diverses diverses pratiques telles que le cirque: équilibres, portés acrobatique, le yoga, le théâtre, la poésie, le chant et bien d'autres arts énergétique...

Sa pratique en tant qu'enseignant, performer & chorégraphe au sein de l'AcroContact sur les quatre continents lui permet d'aller à la rencontre de son être essentiel et de l’existence même, d'associer toutes ces variétés de formes qui nous entourent et nous guider dans une unité et une passion infinie...


Meet Elyse Vieni, who is about to turn your acro yoga practice upsidedown.
Elyse is a Chicago native and has 20 years of experience as a competitive gymnast, specializing in the uneven bars. Wanting to maintain her flexibility and strength after her gymnastics career, Elyse found Vinyasa Flow Yoga. From there, she stumbled into acro yoga and found it perfectly fused her passion for strength, flow, flexibility, athleticism epitomizing mind-body connection.
Taking a break from her full-time job as a Fashion Professional and Jewelry Designer, Elyse enjoys expressing and challenging herself physically and mentally through acro yoga. Her experience instructing workshops and classes with beginners through professional level acro yogis, gives her a unique ability to individualize your acro yoga experience and play to your strengths.
Her goal is to guide her students to be the best versions of themselves through acro yoga.


The ElectroKirtanDance is an innovative session combining visuals, chanting of mantras and electronic music with live instruments.

The fusion of Emanuel Nallin`s composition and the visual art of Miriam_JanoshArt offers an inspiring experience, connecting yourself with your inside Freedom and Authenticity

The ElectroKirtanDance is a transformative journey to Feel, Dance, Sing, Have fun ...

Amour Paix Lumière Joie Harmonie


The AcroYoga Contact Tour come back in Bordeaux for 2 days intensive of workshop!
Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to dive into the powerful practices of Yoga, Acrobatics, Healing Arts and Thai massage with highly experienced and sought-after international teachers Mehdi Zidhane, Elyse Vieni

Acroyoga has been sweeping the world with its unique approach. It is immediately liked by most everyone who sees it. It speaks clearly to human needs/desires of connection, touch & playfulness.

The intensive is appropriate for people new to the practice as well as intermediate and advanced Acroyogis. The skills learned are valuable for yoga teachers, masseuses, gymnasts, dancers, circus performers and physical therapists alike.

What to expect from the workshops AcroContact:

- Learn in a safe, supportive environment
- Receive guidance from a highly experienced and passionate teacher
- Expand and refine your understanding of the practice
- Learn tools for honest and compassionate communication
- Learn how to use relationships as a mirror for self-reflection and transformation
- Release perceived limitations and explore your highest potential
- Celebrate the joy of play - Get in touch with your inner strength, determination and thoughtfulness

Schedule ( Saturday and Sunday)

Saturday: 2-6Pm
Sunday: 11Am-2Pm / 3Pm-6-Pm

Solar session:

- Vinyasa Flow: 3 Elements — strength, flexibility and flow - Partner Yoga: Connection, listening and growth
- The Art of Spotting: How to help others find balance
- Going Upside Down: Find your balance in space
- Solar Explosion: Standing poses, pops and spins

Lunar session:

- Lunar Vinyasa Flow: Balance, self-healing and harmony - Healing Touch: Finding healing in touch
- Partner Yoga: Connecting and listening
- Therapeutic flow and - transitions
- Thai Massage

Early Price: 160€ before the 1st January 2018
After this date: 200€

Registration and details:

Space is limited to 24 participants. Register early!

Contact us for any questions. We look forward to practicing with you!:)
Instagram: acrocontacttour

Concept AcroContact

Furthermore to the encounter of AcroYoga, a discipline which mixes ancestral arts of Yoga – looking for the connection with the inner one, soft Acrobatics to challenge laws of gravity in community, and Thai Massage to take care of the body and calm the spirit, Mehdi is deepening the investigation by integrating new disciplines (contact ball, juggling, circus, tarot, personal development, reiki…).

He has since then initiated the movement of AcroContact to explore bridges between confluences/ inertia/, the science of movement, of Life, in search of Union between the genders and of mutual benefits in the fusion of the styles, what allows to throw(launch) new proposals of expressions such as AcroSalsa, AcroCapoeira, AcroWingchun, AcroPermaculture...



Mehdi Zidhane is a healer, poet, performer and eternal traveler inspired by all his destinations.
He was a salsa, contemporary and hip hop dancer before he dived into a personal quest opening his horizons to practices such as yoga, martial arts, circus, theatre, poetry, singing, intuitive healing touch, tantra and tarot.

His teaching and performing experience with AcroContact while traveling over the world, has given him a deep and solid understanding of the essence of our being and our existence in the Universe, in harmony with our innner and outside world.
His goal is to guide his students into an exploration towards unity and infinite passion.


Meet Elyse Vieni, who is about to turn your acro yoga practice upsidedown.
Elyse is a Chicago native and has 20 years of experience as a competitive gymnast, specializing in the uneven bars. Wanting to maintain her flexibility and strength after her gymnastics career, Elyse found Vinyasa Flow Yoga. From there, she stumbled into acro yoga and found it perfectly fused her passion for strength, flow, flexibility, athleticism epitomizing mind-body connection.
Taking a break from her full-time job as a Fashion Professional and Jewelry Designer, Elyse enjoys expressing and challenging herself physically and mentally through acro yoga. Her experience instructing workshops and classes with beginners through professional level acro yogis, gives her a unique ability to individualize your acro yoga experience and play to your strengths.
Her goal is to guide her students to be the best versions of themselves through acro yoga.


The ElectroKirtanDance is an innovative session combining visuals, chanting of mantras and electronic music with live instruments.

The fusion of Emanuel Nallin`s composition and the visual art of Miriam_JanoshArt offers an inspiring experience, connecting yourself with your inside Freedom and Authenticity

The ElectroKirtanDance is a transformative journey to Feel, Dance, Sing, Have fun ...

Love Light Peace Joy Harmony

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